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Showing posts from May, 2010

Beer #30 - Yards Extra Special Ale (ESA)

Style: Extra Special/Strong Bitter (ESB) Purchased at: Vintage Cellar What makes this beer different: Malty Will I be drinking this again: Possibly Grade: C Comments: This is one of the better strong ales I have had before; unfortunately that doesn't say much. Pours a cola brown, and actually looks quite appealing in a glass. This brew possesses malty and fruity elements, but just not enough of them. Kind of leaves a dry taste in your mouth, and hardly any depth to this brew. Worth a try if you are new to Strong Ales. A typical old world crafted, American Ale. Would prefer this brew more if it possessed a little more gumption however, and quite a bit more depth. Recommendations: A great mix with a Nathan's Hotdog, Sauerkraut, Ketchup, Onions, and Mustard (add some relish to go the whole way)!

Beer #29 - Bell's Brewery Oberon Ale

Style: American Pale Ale Purchased at: Whole Foods What makes this beer different: Citrusy Will I be drinking this again: Yes. Grade: B+ Comments: This is a great summer beer; it's light, crisp, and quite drinkable! This is an unfiltered brew, with little pieces of orange and other citruses floating around ... but that's a good thing. Excellent lacing, with a ton of carbonation. The major downside of this beer is the cost. It's about $9 for a six pack. That being said a 6 pack of Blue Moon, which is a comparable brew, will still run you $6-$8. This is definitely a beer I can get behind and recommend, especially in these upcoming summer months! Give it a try, and post your comments here on the blog :) This beer was recommended to me by the lovely Dabney Topp, and purchased for my enjoyment by the Topp Family! Bottoms Up, and good catch Dabs! :) Recommendations: Some crab legs would go perfectly with Oberon Ale. Cheers!

Beer #28 - Stone Double Bastard Ale

Style: American Strong Ale Purchased at: The Vintage Cellar What makes this beer different: A kick in the face! Will I be drinking this again: Definitely Grade: A- Comments: Let me start by saying that this beer is not for everyone (cough cough Ruth Ann). This beer is thick and hearty and will not be any easy drink ... it is a sipping beer that is full of flavor, hops, and malt. The first sip I had, I didn't know what to expect. Slightly citrusy and a nice full brew. It is a fairly complex blend that is pleasantly unique. Bottom line: If you are looking for something new, strong, unexpected, and full this is a go. MOST WILL NOT LIKE THIS COMPLEX BREW. If you like the Bashah reviewed last week I would definitely recommend this beer to you. So far Stone is 2 out of 3 for me! Look for more Stone brews in the coming weeks :)  Recommendations: 1) Read the description and warnings on the bottle. 2) Take them seriously, contemplate and make your decision to take on this br...

Beer #27 - Stone/BrewDog Bashah

Style: American Strong Ale Purchased at: Once Upon A Vine What makes this beer different: Nice Dark IPA Will I be drinking this again: Most Definitely Grade: A- Comments: This is an excellent beer! One of the best I have ever had. To me it seems like 65% strong IPA mixed with 35% Porter; a masterful combination in my book. Pours a deep dark brown with a hefty head on the brew and some lacing. Recommendations: Try this baby out in a tulip glass ... it is definitely a sipper beer, so enjoy each and every last sip with a baguette and a little asiago cheese!

Beer #26 - Stone Levitation Ale

Style: American Amber/Red Ale Purchased at: Vintage Cellar What makes this beer different: Amarillo Hops Will I be drinking this again: Probably Not Grade: C Comments: I don't know exactly why, but I do not like this beer. It has a few perks (e.g. smell, lacing, etc.) but the aftertaste of this beer was enough to knock me out ... and not in a good way! Some will love this beer; others, like myself need to try another brew. Recommendations: Pawn this beer off on a friend. That simple.