Style: Dortmunder/Export Lager
Purchased at: Vintage Cellar
What makes this beer different: A quick punch in the face; and BTW it's from Russia!
Will I be drinking this again: Probably, but not often.
Grade: C+
This beer is just OK to me. I would usually consider it an average Eastern European pilsner, but there are two things that set it apart; (1) it is from Russia, which I find neat & (2) the bottle including presentation is subtle but eye catching.
Baltika 7 is a classic eastern european pilsner with honey and sugar overtones. The taste and waft are not very strong, but I must admit that the aftertaste lingers (which is a good thing for this beer). Bottom line is that this beer has a hint of complexity in it that should not be ignored. The lager has a clean, smooth taste and exhibits excellent lacing.
Pours well with potato skins, pizza bites and mozzarella sticks! Also, beer mug will not suffice for this beer; complexity demands a bulb, bavarian, or czech pilsner. No exceptions! Enjoy.
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