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Beer 1 - 21st Amendment Hell Or High Watermelon Wheat Beer

Style: Fruit/Vegetable Beer
Purchased at: -
What makes this beer different: Has a distinct watermelon aroma and taste.
Will I be drinking this again: Probably not.
Grade: D-

Let me tell you, this is an interesting beer. It isn’t complex, but the taste is a little confusing and quite honestly it is a taste I have never experienced from a beer before. One of my associates, Jbarb, and I tried this beer out and discussed it briefly. The head of this beer is monstrous, so take care to poor it slow and steady. It doesn’t have a lot of bite, nor is it bitter. Honestly it has a slight candy-ish type of taste. But if you’re looking for a beer a little out of the norm, give this one a shot and see what you think! For me, it is a no go beer. But I am glad to have sampled it with Jbarb!

Mixes well with slices of watermelon and virtually all types of potato chips on a cool breezy summer night!


  1. IMHO, it is gross. It's almost what you would get if you literally mixed a mild wheat beer with the juice out of a watermelon. Imagine drinking a mediocre beer as someone smashes a watermelon on your head.

  2. Hahaha, this is true; Everyone listen to this man!


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